The RENN network is part of the RNE network and plays an integral role in the Joint Action for Sustainable Development, which the RNE coordinates on behalf of the Federal Chancellery and in coordination with the Conference of Federal State Minister-Presidents. The Joint Action for Sustainable Development aims to boost visibility surrounding pre-existing sustainable development engagement in Germany, to further promote this commitment and networking and to empower actors who are yet to play an active role in the sustainability transition. After all, for the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda to succeed, it must enjoy widespread societal support and active participation beyond the federal and Land level. Interested parties are now able to sign up for the Joint Action on the multifunctional online platform. As partners for regional implementation, the RENN will mobilise support and communicate information to boost the Joint Action.
The RENNs’ work is based on the goals of the 2030 Agenda and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are also the framework for the German Sustainable Development Strategy. The hubs pool inspiration, ideas, experience and discourse on the topic of sustainability to use as the basis for sustainability activities and networking for a diverse mix of target groups.
The RENN portfolio
The RENN offer a range of networking and interactive options for sustainability, including:
- Events of various formats which are related to the 2030 Agenda, the 17 SDGs and sustainability activities and strategies at the federal, state (Länder) and municipal level – independently or in cooperation with other stakeholders.
- High-profile information and education work as well as happenings and/or campaigns
- Boosting and making sustainability projects, initiatives and their ideas more visible
- Initiator and partner of topical cooperations
- Organisation and realisation of "Project Sustainability" (de), a Germany-wide competition for a sustainable society
- Advice, training and coaching
- Development of information, education and training materials
- Development of and work on public reports
The actual RENN services vary from hub to hub, based on the regional situation and requirements.
Organisation and structure
For the second phase of funding (2022–2024), the RENN network totals sixteen RENN partner organisations, one per Land, including four RENN hubs and the supra-regional RENN Coordination Centre based at the RNE Office in Berlin. As such, the networks spans the whole of Germany.
RENN.north covers the five Länder of Bremen, Hamburg, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Schleswig-Holstein.
- Hub coordinator: Hamburg: Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald (SDW) Landesverband Hamburg e.V.
- Organisations
- Bremen: Geschäftsstelle Umwelt Unternehmen Bremen
- Mecklenburg–Western Pomerania: Akademie für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
- Lower Saxony: Bildungszentrum für Natur, Umwelt und ländliche Kommunale UmweltAktioN e.V.
- Schleswig-Holstein: Räume des Landes Schleswig-Holstein
RENN.central covers the five Länder of Berlin, Brandenburg, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia.
- Hub coordinator: Thuringia: Zukunftsfähiges Thüringen e.V.
- Organisations
- Berlin: Berlin 21 e.V.
- Brandenburg: Brandenburg 21, Verein zur nachhaltigen Lokal- und Regionalentwicklung im Land Brandenburg e.V.
- Saxony: Landesverband Nachhaltiges Sachsen e.V.
- Saxony-Anhalt: Netzwerk Zukunft Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.
RENN.south covers the two Länder of Baden-Wuerttemberg und Bavaria
- Hub coordinator: Baden-Wuerttemberg: Landesanstalt für Umwelt Baden-Württemberg
- Organisation:
RENN.west covers the four Länder of Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland
- Hub coordinator: North Rhine-Westphalia: Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Agenda 21 NRW e.V.
- Organisationen:
First funding phase (2016–2021)
The German Federal Chancellery initially funded the four Regional Hubs for Sustainability Strategies (RENN) for a first project phase from 2016 to 2021. In 2016, the German federal government commissioned the RNE with selecting four RENN hubs, with the RNE consulting the Länder for proposals. This was followed by an official application process. Existing, primarily non-governmental organisations that were already working in the area of sustainability were consequently selected to handle the task of regional networking. The aim here was to avoid creating structural redundancies. A total of 20 partners from the 16 Länder were chosen to make up the RENN network. The RENN Coordination Centre was then set up at the RNE to lead the network.
RENN.tage Berlin
RENN.tage Berlin 2019
The "Berlin RENN.days 2019" were held on 3 and 4 December 2019. This was the third time that the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and the Regional Hubs for Sustainability Strategies (RENN) hosted an annual conference featuring interesting guests, expert input, political debate and all kinds of networking opportunities. This year’s RENN.days revolved around the topic of cooperation.
Documentation (de) and foto gallery of the RENN.tage Berlin 2019
RENN.tage Berlin 2018

What concrete form does sustainable development take locally?
This was the topic of discussion for some 200 sustainability actors from all over Germany at the "Berlin RENN.days 2018", which were held on 13 and 14 November 2018. The meeting was marked by inspiring examples, both sobering and galvanising experiences as well as strategies for even broader acceptance of societal change.
RENN.tage Berlin 2017

The first Berlin RENN.days were held on 17 and 18 November 2017. At the invitation of the Regional Hubs for Sustainability Strategies (RENN), some 200 sustainability actors assembled to exchange experiences, learn from one another and jointly develop ideas for realising sustainability at local level.
Documentation (de), picture gallery und film (Vimeo) of the RENN.tage Berlin 2017